Cosmos Organic

Organic Standard Beauty Products


Please note this is an unofficial review site. If you are looking for the official COSMOS-standard site then please go to

The Cosmetics Organic Standard or COSMOS-standard is on its way and that means European consumers can be sure that the cosmetics they buy are safe from GMO, irradiation, Parabens, and many other unwanted ingredients of the big cosmetic companies such as animal testing.

The UK Soil Association are a founding partner and their licensees will be converting over to COSMOS-standard between September 2009 and December 2014

This site is brought to you by Organic Ideas. A UK retailer of Soil Association certified beauty products. Once COSMOS products are available for sale in the UK we will be reviewing them from this website. In the meantime, you can buy Soil Association certified products safe in the knowledge that they are already the highest standard organic certification in the world.

Please note COSMOS ORGANIC is a registered trademark of the COSMOS-standard AISBL. This website is privately owned and provides independent information. It has no direct association with the COSMOS Organic standard.

A standard for Europe

A minimum standard of 20% organic ingredients.

Organic ingredients must be used if they are available

A positive list of acceptable mineral ingredients

Only approved 'green' chemical reactions allowed